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Tip: Growing the ADR Industry Begins With US
While average Georgians are not inclined to want to deal with a legal
system or its acolytes, they don’t seem to think that they have a choice
where there’s a legal wrong to be addressed. No matter the grievance,
whether they’ve suffered a physical or economic injury, they feel like
they simply have to deal with the legal system. As members of the ADR
team, we need to do a better job of educating the public on the
alternatives. And we can do that best by pointing out the facts at every
opportunity in a way that gets their attention.
Tip: Arbitration: The Other Alternate Dispute Resolution
All of us have been in these kinds of situations: a client comes to
you with an issue that is causing high conflict with a former spouse,
but it seems too minor to litigate. Or perhaps you are in mediation
and all of the major issues are agreed upon, but you just can’t get a
decision on one issue, like the morals clause or division of personal
property. Perhaps your client feels that the judge assigned to the
case is biased or your experience indicates the judge may likely rule
against your client on a particular issue. Although it may seem like
it’s time to just throw in the towel and litigate, it is important to
consider a different way to resolve cases -- arbitration.
What You Might Say When Asked About Mediation - Part II
I no longer say that what is good about mediation is that it results
in a “win-win” for those involved. Rather, I have come to believe,
and say, that what is good about mediation is that it is a “no lose-no
lose” opportunity. In the words of Messrs. Jagger and Richards, you
get what you need to end a lawsuit or dispute.
Seven Specific Ethical Marketing Issues
While we previously have discussed the ethical hurdles that arise when
marketing your practice in the digital era, a recent speech I gave in
front of a national group of mediators brought fresh ethical issues to
mind and expanded my thoughts on those that we have already
discussed. A sampling of these thoughts are presented for your
Practice Tip: College Tuition Clauses in Divorce
Settlement Agreements
On May 11, 2015, the Supreme Court of Georgia issued a
decision regarding the interpretation of a divorce settlement
agreement’s clause that required, paraphrasing here, the Father to pay
for college tuition for his daughter “for so long as the child -
attends school full time.” What prompted the dispute was Father’s
refusal to reimburse Mother for her payments of multiple semesters of
college tuition. His argument: the daughter attended college only
part time.
Might You Say When Asked About Mediation?
Have you ever been asked to discuss why, when or how to mediate a
case? Or been asked to make a presentation on mediation and its
benefits? If so, what were some observations or recommendations you
provided? I have been asked these questions by skeptical or
inexperienced lawyers, and made presentations as well. This will be
the first of several articles (not sure how many) that will discuss
what I typically say.
The Importance of Mediation Guidelines
that you have just completed a mediation and thought all the basics
were covered pursuant to your mediation guidelines. You later learn
that one of the attorneys has subpoenaed you to testify in court about
what occurred during the mediation. You believe that your guidelines
provided you protection from having to appear. In afterthought, you
are not certain whether your guidelines were clear and concise enough
to withstand scrutiny. How can you avoid that kind of anxiety and have
confidence in your guidelines?
for Arbitrators: Farmer's Crop Insurance Claim Incomplete, Untimely
A farmer in Pulaski County, Georgia, filed a crop insurance claim
under the terms of a policy he obtained in accordance with the
Standard Reinsurance Agreement with the Federal Crop Insurance
Corporation [“FCIC”]. His 2008 crop had a low yield due to poor
weather conditions. The farmer notified the insurance agent of a
possible claim under the policy. The claimant and insurer disagreed on
whether proper notice of the claim had been timely filed, but after a
factual review the insurer denied the claim.
Practice Tip:
Am I a Bad Divorce Mediator ?
November 2014, the Georgia Supreme Court issued two rulings that dealt
with child support deviations. Both cases are linked here (
) and here (
). To oversimplify the cases’ rulings, the Supreme Court reiterated
that judges must dot every “i” and cross every “t” if a deviation –
upwards or downwards – from the State’s “presumptive” amount of child
support set forth in the State’s guidelines is to occur.
Marketing Tip:
Leveraging LinkedIn as Part of Your Marketing Efforts
For most ADR professionals, LinkedIn can be fertile territory for
marketing their services and searching for prospective clients.
However, there is a process to using LinkedIn well, and it is quite
possible to damage your reputation if you do it incorrectly.
CaseWatch for Arbitrators:
11th Circuit Sanctions for Frivolous Allegations of Arbitrator Bias
that an arbitrator was biased, had exceeded her powers, and had failed
to receive evidence were roundly dismissed as meritless and wasteful
of judicial resources by a district court and a federal appeals court
this year. The appeals court emphasized its displeasure with the case
by awarding the respondent, Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, LLC, double
its costs against claimants and claimants’ counsel."
Ethical Hurdles to Marketing Your Mediation Practice Digitally
The Internet has been a wonderful invention for sharing information,
and it has made it easier for people – including ADR professionals –
to find the resources they need to succeed. However, as more
opportunities have arisen on the Internet, we've also seen people
misuse digital resources for marketing in ways that could be construed
as unethical.
CaseWatch for Mediators:
Trial Courts Have Much Discretion in Interpreting Terms of Divorce
We have reminded mediators over and over about how important it is
that mediated agreements contemplate all contingencies and answer as
many “what happens if” questions as possible. We are going to remind
you again. In this month’s CaseWatch for Mediators, Mary Ellen Cates,
Esq., divorce attorney and registered mediator, features a Supreme
Court case in which the trial judge was forced to fill in the blanks
of a divorce settlement, with unexpected consequences for the parties.
CaseWatch for Arbitrators:
Under GAC, Court
Authority to Modify Awards is Limited
One thing about arbitration awards: once they are made, there are few
grounds for changing the terms. That finality of resolution is both a
benefit and a burden of arbitration depending on whether you like the
award of not. In this CaseWatch for Arbitrators, John Allgood, Esq.,
veteran attorney, registered mediator and arbitrator, highlights a
lawyer fee-arbitration case where the trial court tried to modify the
award, but was prevented on appeal.
Marketing Tip:
Quick and Easy Ways to Build Your Marketing Lists
Does the thought of putting together your e-newsletter mailing list
make you cringe? And if you already have a list, are you a bit
lost on just how to get your newsletter out to them without all of
your work ending up in spam filters? In this month's Marketing
Tip, master marketer and mediator Michele Gibson gives you some easy
and useful tips on building and using your e-marketing lists.
CaseWatch for Mediators:
Financial Help from Family Could be Considered ‘Income’
Most of us have received financial assistance from family members from
time to time, and we probably have given some assistance also. It’s a
natural thing to do. But when it comes to the financial calculations
around divorce, those loans and gifts of money might just be counted
as income for purposes of child support. In this month’s CaseWatch
for Mediators, Mary Ellen Cates, Esq., divorce attorney and registered
mediator, highlights a recent case when a mother’s long-term support
of her adult son affected his child support obligation when he
divorced his wife.
CaseWatch for Arbitrators:
Contract to Arbitrate Can be Struck as Sanction for Discovery Abuses
Trial courts have various sanctions at their disposal to punish
plaintiffs and defendants who violate the rules of litigation fair
play. In this CaseWatch for Arbitrators, John Allgood, Esq., veteran
attorney, registered mediator and arbitrator, discusses a Georgia
Court of Appeals case in which a party was denied a contractual
opportunity to arbitrate claims as a sanction for discovery abuses.
Marketing Tip:
Marketing Your Mediation Practice Ethically
As regular readers of this column are well aware, a concise and
creative marketing plan is critical to the success of any ADR or legal
practice. But mediators need to be particularly careful that their
marketing efforts don’t inadvertently lead them to violate ethical
obligations such as confidentiality. In this month’s Marketing Tip,
master marketer and mediator Michele Gibson offers you examples of
what to do – and what not to do – when selling yourself as a mediator.
CaseWatch for Mediators:
Clear and Complete Agreements Can Save Parties Years of Headaches
Courts hate repeat customers. Having parties come back to court to
argue over issues that should have been resolved on their first visit
is wasteful in time, money and resources for everyone involved.
That’s why mediators must be so careful to draft agreements with
completeness and clarity. In this month’s CaseWatch for Mediators,
Mary Ellen Cates, Esq., divorce attorney and registered mediator,
discussed a divorce case in which the settlement agreement’s
ambiguities created big hassles for the parties years after their
CaseWatch for Arbitrators:
$5 Million Award Vacated Over Arbitrator’s Failure to Disclose
It should be a no-brainer that neutrals should be, well, neutral.
Sometimes arbitrators forget that, and when they do, it can make a big
mess. In this CaseWatch for Arbitrators, John Allgood, Esq., veteran
attorney, registered mediator and arbitrator, discusses the latest
example of what happens when an arbitrator doesn’t tell the parties
about potential conflicts of interest he may have.
Marketing Tip:
Do You Know Who You are Marketing to?
Spending big time and
money on marketing is just an expensive waste of time if you don’t
target your efforts efficiently. Do you know what your niche market
is? Do you really know to whom you should be marketing? Do you know
where your referrals come from? Do you know all the markets that you
should tap? In this month’s Marketing Tip, master marketer and
mediator Michele Gibson shows you how to design your marketing plan to
get a steady flow of business coming your way.
CaseWatch for Mediators:
Without Key Facts, Mediation May be the Best Bet
Parties in a case can assert and allege until they’re blue in the
face. But if they can’t back up their claims with facts, their
chances of winning in court are slim to none. In mediation, the
willingness of parties to arrive at a mutually agreeable settlement
may overcome a lack of key legal facts. In this month’s CaseWatch for
Mediators, Mary Ellen Cates, Esq., divorce attorney and registered
mediator, focuses on a fact-light divorce case that perhaps should
have been settled in mediation rather than going to trial.
for Arbitrators:
11th Circuit: Ga. Contract Law Compels Arbitration
Folks don’t like to be told that they’re wrong. The U.S. District
Court for the Southern District of Florida tried twice to find that a
bank-fee arbitration clause was unconscionable under Georgia law.
Both times, it has been told by the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals that
it was wrong. And both times, it has been told to compel
arbitration. The district court’s loss is our gain, as the decisions
will help Georgia litigators dealing with arbitration clauses in
contracts. John Allgood, Esq., veteran attorney, registered mediator
and arbitrator, summarizes the latest appeal in this CaseWatch for
PPC Advertising – a Marketing Idea Worth Considering
If your idea of marketing
is limited to highway billboards and print advertising, read on. The
online universe can be a ripe market for your services, if you’re
smart and targeted with your advertising. In this month’s Marketing
Tip, master marketer and mediator Michele Gibson shows you how to use
Pay-Per-Click and Charge-Per-Click advertising through internet search
engines to sell yourself in cost-effective ways.
CaseWatch for Mediators:
Alimony Is Not As Simple As It Seems
Alimony, or spousal support, doesn’t come up often in divorces, even
though a lot of parties believe they are entitled to it if there is
any fault on the part of their spouse (i.e., allegations of adultery).
CaseWatch for
‘Manifest Disregard’ Still Alive as a Basis for Challenging Awards
On July
3, 2012, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals issued a summary order
denying a petition to vacate an arbitration award based on a “manifest
disregard of the law” challenge. The decision in and of itself is not
unusual; most arbitration awards are confirmed and not vacated, and
further, manifest disregard of the law is not a challenge most courts
are willing to consider under the Federal Arbitration Act as a basis
for setting aside a arbitration award.
Marketing Tip:
Prepping Your Fall Marketing Campaign
Surprise! Christmas is basically 150 days away, which means the year
is more than half over. What happened to all the great marketing
plans you made last January ? It’s time to set a new goal – you’ve
got a month before Labor Day, so you have time to get your marketing
back on track for a great final quarter of the year. Let’s review the
CaseWatch for Mediators:
Self-Employment Income Complicates Child Support Calculations
Child support negotiations can be among the most heated in mediation.
And difficult income calculations can become even more daunting when
one or both parties to a divorce are self-employed. In this month’s
CaseWatch for Mediators, Mary Ellen Cates, Esq., divorce attorney and
registered mediator, examines a Supreme Court case that shows how one
trial court cut through the conflicting information to arrive at a
just level of child support.
CaseWatch for Arbitrators:
Arbitrator Can Interpret Contract Text to Allow Class Actions, Court
Arbitration clauses, designed to simplify and clarify the process when
disputes arise under a contract, can themselves be the source of
headaches, especially if they are ambiguously or poorly drafted. In
this month’s CaseWatch for Arbitrators, John Allgood, Esq., veteran
attorney, registered mediator and arbitrator, examines a recent
federal circuit case that reveals what powers arbitrators can wield
when the arbitration provisions are murky.
Marketing Tip:
E-Marketing v. Your Physical Safety
In our competitive
business environment, you must be aggressive in marketing yourself
using the latest in online technology and social media. But in
putting your professional name out there, are you putting yourself and
your loved ones in personal danger? In this month’s Marketing Tip,
master marketer and mediator Michele Gibson tells you how you can
balance your desire for professional exposure with your need for
personal privacy and security.
Theory to Practice:
A Spoonful of Sugar Makes the Mediation Go Round
Do you ever get tired of making decisions? It turns out that choosing
takes energy, and if you’re forced to make too many decisions, your
brain can run out of gas. Your mediation parties have to make
decisions, often lots of very difficult ones under stressful
circumstances. How can you help them to combat “decision fatigue” and
to get on with the work of mediation? In this edition of Theory to
Practice, Heather Pincock, assistant professor of conflict management
at Kennesaw State University, highlights research that confirms the
healing power of ... sugar ... in rejuvenating people’s ability to
make decisions.
CaseWatch for Mediators: Just the Facts
Experienced litigators know that the fortunes of a case can sometimes
turn on the smallest of facts. They also know that trial judges have
broad discretion in their legal interpretations of those facts. Those
factors often make litigation outcomes hard to predict. In this
month’s CaseWatch for Mediators, Mary Ellen Cates, Esq., divorce
attorney and registered mediator, highlights one Georgia divorce trial
that helps make the case for the predictability of mediated
CaseWatch for Arbitrators:
Be Specific When Asking for a ‘Reasoned Award’
Arbitration awards can come in all shapes and sizes, from a mere
statement of the award to a full-blown legal opinion with findings of
fact and conclusions of law. In this month’s CaseWatch for
Arbitrators, John Allgood, Esq., veteran attorney, registered mediator
and arbitrator, shows us that it pays to be clear and specific with
the arbitrator about what you want in an arbitration award. It will
save you headaches later.
Tip: Optimize Your Website for Google’s New Backlinks Policy
Google has just
implemented a major change to its search algorithm that changes
dramatically the impact of paid “backlinks” on your website’s Google
search rankings. Backlinks are links to your site from another site.
How can you optimize your website to match the new Google algorithm?
Master marketer and mediator Michele Gibson tells you how, in this
month’s Marketing Tip.
with the IRS. Really.
Most of us deal with the Internal Revenue Service just once a year
when we file our personal tax returns. And we hope we don’t have not
deal with the agency for another year. But if taxpayers do have a
dispute with the IRS, there are actually several opportunities for
them to mediate with IRS representatives. Bet you didn’t know that.
In this special article, tax attorney Daniel Britt explains how
taxpayers and the IRS can use mediation to resolve disagreements over
tax issues.
Movement on Motions Can Boost Mediation Settlements
Imagine if you could legally and ethically improve your mediation
settlement rate by 1,100 PERCENT. Bet you’d take that pill in a
heartbeat. Well, a new study shows that it is indeed possible to
increase by a whopping 11 times the likelihood that a case will settle
in mediation by having the court rule on any pending motions in the
case prior to mediation. In this article, the study’s author, Jerry
Wood, director of the Fulton County Courts Office of Dispute
Resolution, explains why motions practice can have such a huge impact
on mediation settlement rates.
Putting the "E" in Neutral
“Putting the
‘E’ in Neutral” is offered by the American College of e-Neutrals and
is taught by Professor Allison Skinner, who teaches e-discovery at the
University of Alabama School of Law, and Professor Peter Vogel, who
teaches at the SMU/Dedman School of Law. For more information on
e-neutrals and e-discovery, read this article by Professor Allison
CaseWatch for Mediators:
Custody/Visitation Modifications Prohibited
As divorcing
parents seek ways to reduce return trips to court to modify divorce
terms, many have turned to employing self-executing custody and
visitation modifications in their mediation agreements and parenting
plans. In this month’s CaseWatch for Mediators, Mary Ellen Cates,
divorce attorney and registered mediator, explains why the Georgia
Supreme Court does not look favorably upon such provisions.
CaseWatch for Arbitrators:
Supreme Court Overrules West
Virginia on FAA Preemption
In case you
weren’t aware, the U.S. Supreme Court likes arbitration. The latest
state to challenge the court’s commitment to arbitration – and lose –
is West Virginia. In this month’s CaseWatch for Arbitrators, John
Allgood, Esq., veteran attorney, registered mediator and arbitrator,
take you through the Supreme Court’s latest and perhaps most emphatic
statement on the issue, the Marmet Health Care Center decision
from February 2012.
CaseWatch for
Mediators: Who Should Get Custody When Both Parents Are Fit ?
When two divorcing parents, both of them seemingly capable and fit,
are fighting for custody of their children, the court’s decision on
the matter may turn on some seemingly insignificant facts. In this
month’s CaseWatch for Mediators, Mary Ellen Cates, divorce attorney
and registered mediator, analyzes a Georgia Supreme Court case that
helps to illustrate why parents should work hard in mediation to make
such critical family decisions under their own control, rather than
leaving them to the court.
CaseWatch for Arbitrators: Mandatory Arbitration Agreements and Class
Actions, The Latest Word from the NLRB
In the Concepcion case, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that
states cannot limit the ability of parties to sign arbitration
contracts that require them to waive their rights to file class action
lawsuits. Recently, in the Horton case, the National Labor
Relations Board ruled that employers cannot require employees to sign
arbitration agreements that limit their right to file class actions.
So who’s right? In this month’s CaseWatch for Arbitrators, John
Allgood, Esq., veteran attorney, registered mediator and arbitrator,
explains the apparent conflict between the Concepcion and
Horton cases.
Theory to
Practice: How to Manage the “Animal Brain” in Mediation
Neuroscientists tell us that we have at least two brains – a more
primitive “animal brain” or amygdala, and a more modern prefrontal
cortex. (I know, I know, some people appear to have no brain
whatsoever.) It turns out that the interplay of these two brains can
create problems at the earliest stages of a traditional mediation. In
this edition of Theory to Practice, Heather Pincock, assistant
professor of conflict management at Kennesaw State University,
highlights research that illuminates the problem – and some solutions.
Marketing Tip: Should You Still Be Using Printed Collateral ?
Time was when any new
practice would start their marketing efforts with a letter of
introduction, custom glossy brochure, and other printed collateral.
In our new electronic world are printed materials still valid ?
In this month's Marketing Tip, marketing maven Michele Gibson of
Digital Smart Tools shows you how to effectively use printed materials
to market your practice. You might be surprised:
for Mediators: When Should Fringe Benefits Be Counted as Income?
workers are fortunate to receive a variety of benefits paid in full or
in part by their employers – health insurance, life insurance, phone,
car. But when calculating child support obligations, which
employer-provided benefits count as gross income and which ones
don’t? Mary Ellen Cates, divorce attorney and registered mediator,
uses one Georgia Supreme Court case to help us find the answers, in
this month’s CaseWatch for Mediators.
CaseWatch for Arbitrators: Awards Confirmation Deadlines Not Tolled
by Clarification Requests
Deadlines are final. That’s probably why they have the word “dead” in
them. In the legal field, the consequences of missing a deadline can
be fatal to a cause. This month, John Allgood, Esq., veteran
attorney, registered mediator and arbitrator, highlights a Georgia
Court of Appeals case that shows that deadlines are not to be trifled
with when an arbitration award awaits confirmation by a court.
Tip: Mindfulness in Mediation
Raise your hands if you know someone who has confused mediation and
meditation. Well, they may have been onto something, it turns out.
Mediators who are mindful – calmly self-aware – can encourage the same
behavior in their parties. In this Practice Tip column, Registered
Mediator Chris Carlsten tells you how your mindfulness can put your
parties in a state of mind where they can be empowered to cooperate
and collaborate on a resolution to their dispute.
Revision to Enhance Georgia as International Arbitration Venue
Arbitration is the preferred method of dispute resolution in
international commerce. Many states have revised their arbitration
laws in an effort to make their legal climates more attractive for
international business. Georgia is no exception. The Metro Atlanta
Chamber of Commerce, most of the major Atlanta law firms, the American
Arbitration Association, other ADR providers, and many international
businesses have formed the Atlanta International Arbitration Society,
whose purpose is to promote Atlanta and Georgia as favorable venues
for international commercial arbitration. Professor Douglas H. Yarn
of Georgia State University College of Law, was asked to revise the
Georgia Arbitration Code to reflect advancements in the field since
1988. His executive summary explains the purpose and substance of
this revision.
CaseWatch for Mediators: “Magic Words” Can Make
or Break Mediated Agreements
“Please.” “Thank you.” “Open the pod bay doors, Hal.” We know that
the right words can make all the difference in life. The same is true
in mediated agreements. In this month’s CaseWatch for Mediators, Mary
Ellen Cates, family law attorney and registered mediator, shows you
how the existence or absence of one key legal term can make an
agreement enforceable or unenforceable – despite the supposedly clear
intentions of the parties.
CaseWatch for
Arbitrators: Disclose Repeat Customers to Avoid Accusations of Bias
We all have people we enjoy working with more than others. And
regular users of arbitration often have favorite arbitrators. It’s
particularly important for arbitrators, however, to ensure that their
frequent selection by a particular party does not taint their
reputation for fairness. In this month’s CaseWatch for Arbitrators,
John Allgood, Esq., veteran attorney, registered mediator and
arbitrator, highlights a New York trial court decision that offers
important ethical and practical lessons for Georgia arbitrators who
are interested in protecting their professional credibility.
Marketing Tip: Building Your Referral Engine
Anyone who buys or sells knows that word of mouth is more powerful
than advertising. The same is true when marketing your ADR practice.
What other people say about you carries more weight than what you say
about yourself. So how do you get people to say good things about
you? And how do you turn those positive comments into increased
business? Our marketing maven and registered mediator Michele Gibson
tells you how to pump up your referrals, in this month’s Marketing Tip
column. |
Case Watch for Mediators: DANGER! Know Your Limits!
mediators like to help people, they may be tempted to venture into
unfamiliar subject matter at the urging of the parties. What could be
the harm? After all, if both parties agree on a course of action,
there is no reason not to accommodate them by putting it into their
agreement. Or is there? Is there?? Well, let’s learn some
lessons from the recent divorce case of
Morgan v. Morgan. It is a prime example of “DANGER, WILL
ROBINSON!” for mediators.* |
Case Watch:
For Arbitrators
Georgia Arbitrators Can Write Awards that Will Withstand Challenge in
Georgia Court of Appeals recently considered a challenge to a superior
court’s confirmation of an arbitration award in a dispute involving
the parties’ obligations under an agency agreement. The court’s
decision in
Azordegan v. Ebrahimi, A11A1402 (08/05/11), is important in
underlining the requirements for confirming – or vacating – an
arbitration award in Georgia. It also offers a sound practice tip for
arbitrators when drafting awards. |
Marketing Tip: How to Write the Article that Will Go “Viral”
Writing an article is easily the least expensive way to market your
practice and, if done correctly, one of the most effective. You can
write for trade publications, blogs, e-newsletters, online newspapers
and magazines, websites, and many other vehicles. Every form of
publication is looking for content of interest to their readers and if
they can get it for free – all the better. This defines the
opportunity, but how do you make the best of it and write an article
that will truly go “viral”. |
CaseWatch for Mediators: Custody Disputes Present Pitfalls,
Disputes over custody of children continue to be a primary cause of
post-divorce clashes, and those battles can last for years. In
Avren v. Garten, the parties were divorced in 2003, yet they
were still fighting over custody in May 2011. Not only is the
Avren case an example of how long parents can fight over their
children, but it is also an example of how a simple check on the
pre-printed parenting plan form can create significant legal
complications. |
CaseWatch for Arbitrators: Failure-to-Disclose
Challenges to Arbitration Awards
this year the Georgia Court of Appeals rejected a petition to vacate
an arbitration award where the petitioner claimed that the arbitrator
did not adequately disclose prior associations with the parties. The
case is Phan v. Andre & Blaustein LLP, A10A2155 (03/25/11). |
Marketing Tip: T Minus 30 and Counting ... Is Your Practice
Ready for Fall ?
It’s hard to believe, but Labor Day is just a month away.
It seems like just yesterday that we were all making plans to scale back
our schedules for the summer and planning vacations to the beach,
mountains or exotic places. Have you put that much effort into planning
the marketing efforts for practice to make sure it is as successful as
your vacation was ? Let’s review what we’ve learned in the last year and
make sure we’re doing it !
Judges Have Broad Discretion to Decide Divorce Terms
most mediations, there comes a time in the decision process when the
parties ask, “What will the judge do?” While we do not know the
answer, the Georgia Supreme Court’s decision in
McDonald v. McDonald will enlighten you on how you can help
your parties understand the vast scope of judicial discretion in
divorce cases. |
Recent Spreng
Decision Highlights Federal Policy Favoring Arbitration
bottom line for Georgia arbitrators is that in FAA-controlled
arbitrations: (1) a procedural ruling by the arbitrator is not
appealable; and (2) if the district court fails to grant an injunction
to stay the arbitration, the federal appellate court has no
jurisdiction to change that ruling based on the federal policy
favoring arbitration going forward. |
Marketing Tip:
QR Codes - Your 1" Marketing Opportunity
You meet people at an event and you hand them your business card –
will they remember you and what you do ? How much can you say about
yourself on a business card ? Is there a better way to use this small
space ? |
Summertime Tax Moves
your summer revolves around the beach, the garden, or just relaxing on
your deck on our warm, warm evenings, I thought this would be a great time
to offer you tips to help you save both money and stress as we approach my
favorite time of the year. |
Estate Division in Divorce
estate distribution between divorcing parties has become an
increasingly complex topic. Anytime there is real estate, there is
usually money. Anywhere there is money, there is a contested
divorce. Lots of money and lots of contested issues lead to lots of
appeals. |
with Potentially Violent Parties
Mediators are seldom
surprised when allegations of violence between the parties arise in
domestic relations cases. Yet these issues can crop up in cases where you
least expect them: in landlord-tenant disputes, probate matters, and even
business conflicts. What do you need to know in order to handle these
cases appropriately, and as safely as possible? Here are a few ideas based
both on research and practical experience (with some Georgia rules thrown
in). |
Mediation's Most Consequential Tool & Most Disquieting Pitfall
neutral who familiarizes herself (or himself) with the law, is
sensitive to power imbalances, and who creates opportunities for all
parties to participate in the mediation process in a meaningful way,
can help ensure that any agreement reached is voluntary, informed, and
self-determined. |
Marketing Tip: Mobile
Media 101
Over 302 million cell phones are in use in the United States today
and 28% of those are smartphones such as iPhones and Blackberry
devices. When you add the tablet revolution, how we consume data
is changing. How does that impact your efforts to market your
mediation practice ? |
Case Watch for Mediators:
Taxes in Divorce
Taxes can be a major debt for divorcing parties - especially when
they haven't been paid. Finding out how you can assist the
parties when one or both of them tell you they haven't been paid in
this month's article for divorce mediators by Mary Ellen Cates,
divorce attorney and registered mediator. |
Case Watch for
Arbitrators: Impact of Concepcion on Georgia Arbitrators
On April 27, 2011, the
Supreme Court issued a much-anticipated ruling in the case of AT&T
Mobility LLC v. Concepcion, which addressed the enforceability of an
arbitration agreement in a consumer contract that prohibited
class-action arbitration. In a 5-4 decision, the Court held that the
agreement was enforceable, reversing the Ninth Circuit’s determination
that the agreement prohibiting class claims was unconscionable under
California law. Read more in this article by John Allgood, Esq.,
veteran attorney, mediator and arbitrator. |
Marketing Tip:
eNewsletter 101 - Keeping Your Practice in Front of Everyone's Mind
How do you market your practice - more importantly, how do you
keep your practice in front of clients and referrers to make sure they
think of you when selecting a mediator ? How about a newsletter
- read about how to structure an effective eNewsletter in this month's
Marketing Tip article by registered mediator and marketing expert,
Michele Gibson. |
Case Watch for Mediators:
School Attendance and Child Support
support obligations often end once a child stops attending secondary
school. But what constitutes a “school” under Georgia law? And when
does the law consider a child to be “attending” school? The Georgia
Supreme Court’s answers to these deceptively simple questions are the
focus of this month’s CaseWatch for Mediators by Mary Ellen Cates,
divorce attorney and registered mediator. |
Case Watch for
U.S. Supreme Court to Hear FAA Challenges
federal government has the Federal Arbitration Act. States have their
own arbitration laws. What happens when the FAA collides with state
law and policy? The U.S. Supreme Court is about to hear a California
case that challenges the authority of the FAA over state law, a case
that has the potential to change a federal policy favoring arbitration
that has been in place for nearly 90 years. Read on for an analysis
of the conflicts in the case and their implications in this
installment of CaseWatch for Arbitrators, by John Allgood, Esq.,
veteran attorney, mediator and arbitrator. |
Marketing Tip: Social Media - The 800-Pound Gorilla
Facebook. LinkedIn. Twitter. Plaxo. Social media can connect you
to friends, family and like-minded folks all over the world. But can
these powerful services actually help you to grow your mediation
practice? You bet! In this month’s Marketing Tip, registered
mediator and marketing expert Michele Gibson tell you all you need to
know to start effectively harnessing the power of social media to
bring Internet traffic – and potential clients – to your electronic
to Practice: Social Media and the Law
So a lawyer gets steamed at a
judge and does what many of us do today...he blogs about said judge
calling her "an evil, unfair witch" and ends up with a $1,200 fine.
Or consider the man who tells the judge that he can't afford to pay
child support at the same time as he is posting photos of his recent
cruise and his new Ferrari. Social media is having significant
impact on the courts and it's time to take a look at the implications
a seemingly simple post. |
Case Watch:
The Ex is Moving and Taking the Kids!
ruin a parent’s day, just tell him or her that the ex-spouse is moving
away – and planning to take the kids, too. Yeah, don’t even joke
about it, right? And, just a thought: does a Georgia parent – even a
custodial parent – have the legal right to just up and move away with
the kids? Mary Ellen Cates, divorce attorney and registered mediator,
has the answer, as well as advice for mediators on how to help
divorced and divorcing parents wrestle with the difficult issues
around relocation. Her case analyses this month focus on the Georgia
Supreme Court decisions in Bodne v. Bodne and Salmon-Davis
v. Davis. |
Marketing Tip: Why Content Counts for Website Success
As your mother may have told you, to be popular it isn't enough to be
good looking. You have to have substance to back up your style.
That’s true for your company website, too. Marketing specialist and
registered mediator Michele Gibson will show you how beefing up your
website’s content can help drive more traffic to it and bring you more
business. In this month’s Marketing Tip, she’ll show you how your
website can become a destination – a site people think of and seek out
because it consistently offers timely and useful information to
visitors. |
Theory to
Smells Like Team Spirit
Remember Gordon Gecko in “Wall Street” and his iconic soliloquy on the
driving force of humankind? “Greed ... is good. Greed is right.
Greed works. Greed clarifies, cuts through and captures the essence
of the evolutionary spirit.” But some of us (we’re ADR professionals,
after all) are uncomfortable with the notion that we are nothing more
than viciously selfish monsters scrabbling for a foothold in the
competition of life. Well, fear not, you idealists. In this month’s
Theory to Practice column, Gregory Jones, Faculty Research Fellow and
Director of Research at the Consortium on Negotiation and Conflict
Resolution, will point you to new research that shows that we humans
can indeed work for the common good – given the right conditions.
Case Watch: The Nightmare of Joint Mortgages
mortgages – mortgages on which two (or more) people are obligors –
present particular headaches in divorce mediations. Divorcing
couples often agree that one spouse will stay in the martial home and
remove the other spouse’s name from the mortgage. And people,
especially divorced couples, always do what they promise each other,
right? Wrong! In this installment, divorce attorney and registered
mediator Mary Ellen Cates advises mediators how they can help
divorcing couples avoid the minefield of untangling a jointly held
mortgage, as illuminated by the recent Georgia Supreme Court decision
in Darroch v. Willis. |
Theory to
Practice: Mediation Ideals v. Mediation Reality
It’s a tough world out
there, isn’t it? Those virtuous ideals that you solemnly pledged to
uphold in your cloistered mediation training often seem like cruel
fantasies when you’re out there in the jungle trying to make a buck.
It’s challenging for well-meaning mediators stick to their ethical
standards when the participants demand only results – settlements. In
this second installment of our new Theory to Practice column,
attorney, professor and registered mediator Robert Thaler tells you
what research has to say about how mediators can help themselves and
their ethics survive the pressures of daily practice.
Marketing Tip: The More Friends (and links) The Better
turns out that having a lot of friends is a good thing, in life and in
web marketing. If your ADR practice has a website, the number and
quality of links on your website can determine your site’s ranking in
the popular search engines. This month, marketing specialist and
registered mediator Michele Gibson will show you the best ways to get
internet search engines to rank your site more highly, thus making
your website more visible to potential clients. |
Holloway v. Holloway -
Details Count When Deviating From Support Guidelines
attorney and registered mediator Mary Ellen Cates analyzes the recent
Georgia Supreme Court decision in Holloway v. Holloway, which
emphasizes how critical it is that mediators help parties adhere to
the legal requirements for calculating child support – to the letter
and to the decimal point. |
Theory to Practice: What You Don't Know Can Hurt You
In this first installment of our new Theory to Practice column,
Kennesaw State University Professor Timothy Hedeen writes about this
unproductive state of affairs in dispute resolution – and how we might
fix it. |
Marketing Tip: Making
Internet Search Engines Work For You
In this first installment of our Marketing Tip column, Michele
Gibson talks about the modern art of SEO - specifically the use of
keywords on your website to drive more traffic. |
How Healthcare Law Changes Affect Divorce Mediation
In all the debate about the new healthcare law, there are some changes
that may affect the issues you discuss in your divorce mediations for
couples with children. This article gives divorce mediators a
preliminary “heads up” about how healthcare reform can have some
important consequences for divorcing parents, even if their children
are beyond the age of majority and mandatory child support. |
How Will the FAA Be
Affected By Recent Changes In Congress ?
the recent midterm elections, Republicans gained a number of seats,
including that of the FAA’s sponsor, Senator Russ Feingold. That
means the future of the FAA amendments and further regulation of
arbitration in the lame duck Congress has become questionable at
best. Read more detail on this topic. |
Tips for
Avoiding Employee Fraud
Employee fraud cost companies untold millions every year. Here
are a list of ideas to combat the problem before it becomes an issue
for your practice. |
Court Discretion in Child Support Solutions
Review of 301 Ga. App. 160,
Henry v. Beacham, decided November 19, 2009, appeal to Georgia
Court of Appeals of a ruling by Judge Clarence Seeliger, DeKalb County
Superior Court; and of S10F1120,
Mullin v. Roy, September 20, 2010, appeal to the Georgia
Supreme Court of a ruling by Judge Bensonetta Tipton Lane, Fulton
County Superior Court, and by the Georgia Court of Appeals. |
Possible Tax Changes for
Your Neutral Practice
Tax changes are in store for 2011 - review some of the changes that
might be of financial importance for your neutral practice in the
coming year. |
One Time or Irregular Income
and the Effect on Child Support Calculations
Review of S09A0227; 285
Ga. 319, Evans v. Evans, decided April 28, 2009. Appeal to
Georgia Supreme Court of a ruling by Judge Shepherd Lee Howell, Bartow
County Superior Court. |
Equitable v. Equal in Mediating Divorces
Review of 285 Ga. 706, Walton v. Walton, decided
July 9, 2009. Appeal from ruling of Judge Cynthia Wright, Fulton
County Superior Court. |