From the Director
Last month we were saddened by the death of Georgia
Court of Appeals Judge Debra Bernes on July 20. Judge Bernes was a
member of our Commission on Dispute Resolution from 2006, and she was
active on the Training and Credentials Committee and the Strategic
Planning Group. We were fortunate to benefit from her wisdom and
counsel for those few short years.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution published
an obituary, which you can read
here. Judge Bernes’ memorial service was held July 22 at
Ahavath Achim Synagogue in Atlanta. Commission Chair Edie Primm
and I attended, along with more than 1200 friends, family members
and colleagues.
you would like to make a memorial donation, you can do so through
two organizations: |
The Judge Debra Halpern Bernes Scholarship
Cobb County Bar Association
30 Waddell St., Suite 601
Marietta, GA 30090.
The scholarship assists Georgia residents who want to attend one of
the state’s public law schools – the University of Georgia or Georgia
State University. The scholarship will be awarded to a student who has
given back to the community through service. For more information,
contact Bar Association Executive Director Linda C. Hill,
The Jewish Educational
Loan Fund
4549 Chamblee Dunwoody Road
Atlanta, GA 30338, 770-396-3080.
Morokuma, Director GODR
Mediators Needed in Tifton Circuit
The Tifton Judicial Circuit ADR Program, the newest ADR program in
Georgia, is seeking registered mediators for its local roster. Needed
especially are domestic relations mediators and specialized domestic
violence mediators, as well as mediators in Irwin and Worth counties.
(The circuit also comprises Tift and Turner counties.) Contact ADR
Program Director Jacqueline Reynolds, Tifton Judicial Circuit, P.O.
Box 1369, 225 N. Tift Ave., Suite 302, Tifton, GA 31794,
229-386-7904, fax 229-386-7977,
Exclusive Insurance Products for Neutrals
Gaining Popularity
Response was fast and furious to last month’s
announcement of our new insurance and retirement program for
registered neutrals. If you are looking for good deals on major
medical insurance, healthcare savings accounts, dental and vision
insurance, and more, check out the
GODR Registered Neutrals Insurance and Retirement Programs website.
How about a good deal of professional liability insurance for
mediators and arbitrators? See our
website for more information or contact
Betsy Thomas at
Complete Equity Markets, 800-324-6234, ext. 472, and tell her
you’re a Georgia registered neutral!

Recent Changes in Local ADR Programs
Two well-established ADR programs have undergone some leadership
changes over the last two months. At the DeKalb County Courts Dispute
Resolution Center, Director Deborah Blanton has taken early
retirement, and she has been succeeded by Amber Gallman, Esq., a
veteran mediator and attorney.
Crawford left the DeKalb ADR office to direct the recently revitalized
DeKalb County Juvenile Court Mediation Program. She formerly was
director of the Clayton County Juvenile Court Mediation Program.
At the Cobb
County Juvenile Court Mediation Program, founding director Pam McClure
has taken early retirement. She has been succeeded by Rodney Savage.
The latest
contact information for local court ADR programs is always available
on our
website. Search by county or program name. |
Divorce Mediation in the
A nice story last week in the
Arizona Republic featured two couples and their productive
experiences with divorce mediation. One result: A father who stays in
his ex-wife’s spare bedroom when he’s visiting his daughter. The
story showcases how such a creative arrangement was possible through
the power of mediation, and it describes how mediation promotes
amicable relations that have lasting positive impacts on couples and
Coincidentally, the new Summer 2010 issue of
Conflict Resolution Quarterly contains an article on “Divorce
Mediation Outcome Research: a Meta-Analysis,” by Lori Anne Shaw of
Abilene Christian University. The author analyzed the results of
five previous studies on the effects of divorce mediation v.
litigation. The article’s conclusion: mediation had a moderate but
significant positive effect in measurements of process satisfaction,
outcome satisfaction, emotional satisfaction, spousal relationship and
understanding children’s needs. A short abstract is available
here for free. If you want a copy of the full article, see the
Conflict Resolution Quarterly website for instructions on how to
purchase one.
Thanks to Professor Susan Raines of Kennesaw State
University for alerting us to the Arizona Republic
article. Dr. Raines is also, coincidentally, editor in chief of CRQ. |
Faculty Openings in Conflict Management at KSU
Want to teach others what you love to do? Kennesaw
State University is searching for candidates to fill three new faculty
positions in conflict resolution: 1) Assistant Professor of Conflict
Management, who will
teach in KSU’s Master of Science in Conflict Management program. See
here for details. 2) Two openings tenure-track professors for a
new Ph.D. program in International Conflict Management. See
here for details.
Save the Date
The 16th Annual ADR Institute and 2010 Neutrals’ Conference will be
held Friday, December 10, 2010, at the State Bar of Georgia Conference
Center, 104 Marietta St. NW, Atlanta. Attendance was standing room
only last year, and we hope to fill as many seats or more this year.
At least 6 hours of neutral continuing education and 6 hours of CLE
(including 1 Ethics Hour) will be available. More details and
conference registration will be available through
www.iclega.org in November. Stay tuned! |
Upcoming CE and Training Offerings
Lots of CE and training opportunities are upcoming. Brush up on your
skills or acquire new tools to assist you in your practice. Check
frequently at our
website for the latest CE and training offerings. |
GODR logo in black here |
Commission Meeting in September
The next meeting of the Commission on Dispute
Resolution is scheduled for Thursday, September 9, at 2 pm, in Meeting
Room 1 of the
State Bar of Georgia Conference Center, 104 Marietta St. NW,
Atlanta, GA 30303. Meetings are open to the public. Upcoming
Commission meetings, agendas and minutes are always posted on our
Did You Know
You can check any neutral’s registration status
anytime by going to
www.godr.org and clicking on “Find a Neutral” at the top of
the page. There, you can search the neutral by using county,
mediation category, registration ID, additional expertise, last
name, or first name. If a neutral’s name does not appear on the
list, then the neutral’s registration is not current and may be in
inactive or archived status. If you see any inaccuracies in our
please let us know. |
