From the Director:
How To Get Sued For
It's happened again.
A mediator has been sued. (Not in Georgia, phew !) This time for
$15 million. That's right, $15 million. Here's a
short version of the story: |
A mediator tried to
help finalize an "ugly" divorce (is there ever a "pretty" divorce ?)
in Tennessee. A few days after mediation, the husband e-mailed
the mediator to complain that the wife was harassing him with phone
calls and e-mails. The mediator e-mailed the husband back and
advised that he: |
- |
Keep all
correspondence from the wife to use as evidence later |
- |
Forward the
correspondence to someone in her family in order to embarrass the
wife; and |
- |
Seek a restraining
order against the wife. |
Acting on the mediator's advice, the
husband took out a restraining order against the wife, without her
knowledge. He also swore out a criminal warrant against her,
without her knowledge. The wife was arrested at her home
months later. She claims now that the "false" arrest caused her
to lose her job. The mediator now finds herself the defendant in
a lawsuit filed by the wife, seeking damages of $5 million each for
malpractice, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and breach
of contract. The Tennessee ADR Commission sanctioned the
mediator for violating her neutrality and for giving legal advice to
the husband. The full newspaper account can be found
"Oh I'd never do something that
unprofessional," you say ? Your response to the husband's e-mail
would have been more like, "I'm sorry, I cannot correspond with you
about this matter. If you like, we can schedule another
mediation session. Otherwise, it is unethical for me to involve
myself further in your dispute." Right ? Good for you.
Nonetheless, this Tennessee tale offers important lessons for Georgia
Lesson 1: Scrupulously maintain the
appearance of your neutrality. Mediator bias is the
Number 1 complaint we receive here. Remember, as a mediator you
usually won't know the parties, and they won't know you. They're
testing you the moment they see you. "Does the mediator know
what she's doing ?" "Is she treating him better than she treats
me ?" "Can I trust her to keep her promises ?" The
parties' "fairness radar" is on high sensitivity. And they may
see bias in the most innocuous details. Like whether the
mediator sat a few inches closer to one party than the other. Or
whether the mediator gave everyone except one party a chair with arms.
Or whether the mediator looked at one party longer than the other.
People have a keen sense - sometimes overly keen - of when they're
being treated unfairly by a person or a process. Don't give them
the chance to conclude that you're biased.
Lesson 2: Don't give personal advice.
Mediation is about the parties and what they choose to do with
their dispute and their future. To think that as a mediator you
know what these strangers should do with their lives is presumptuous.
To voice that presumptuous opinion is malpractice.
Lesson 2(b): Don't give legal advice,
especially if you're not a Georgia-licensed lawyer. The
unauthorized practice of law is not only a violation of State Bar of
Georgia Rules of Professional Conduce (5.5), it is also a violation of
the law (O.C.G.A.
Breaking the law, generally not productive. What can you do if
someone complains about you ? What protection do you have as a
Georgia-registered mediator ? Well for one, the Supreme Court's
ADR Rules, specifically Section VII(C).
No neutral in a
court-annexed or court-referred program shall be held liable for
civil damages for any statement, action, omission or decision made
in the course of any ADR process unless that statement, action,
omission or decision is 1) grossly negligent and made with malice
or 2) is in willful disregard of the safety or property of any
party to the ADR process.
That helps a lot. Those are pretty
tough standards to find civil liability. But the rule doesn't
prevent someone from suing you for malpractice. Even if a
lawsuit is frivolous, you still may have to hire an attorney and spend
valuable time, money, and energy defending yourself. Whether
you're sued for $15 million or 15 cents, a lawsuit is a lawsuit.
To protect yourself further, you might
consider getting some professional liability insurance. We have
arranged for Georgia-registered neutrals to be able to purchase
malpractice policies at low group rates from
Complete Equity
Markets, Inc. As a Georgia-registered neutral,
you will also receive Unauthorized Practice of Law coverage at no
cost. Betsy Thomas is
our account representative. For more on mediator liability take
a look at these three articles:
Whether you get GODR insurance for
registered neutrals via our source or not, our advice: Don't practice
without mediator liability coverage from some insurance source.
As for the Tennessee case, I plan to
follow it. Things are looking ironically grim already; the
mediator's attorney told the newspaper that he and his client will
"try our case in the courtroom." Oh, well. I guess mediation is
off the table.
Morokuma, Director GODR
gaodr@godr.org |
Free Video CEs AvailableYou want free CE ? You got free CE. We
have recently posted two videos on our website that registered
neutrals can watch for free to earn CE credit. Each video is
one-hour long. Neutrals are free to watch the videos as many
times as they wish, but we can only award 1 CE hour credit for each
video once per renewal season. Please note the date you finished
viewing each video so you can report it on your renewal form.
Remember, registered neutrals are required to take at least 3 hours of
CE each year in order to renew their registrations. Look for the
“Continuing Education Videos,”
in the main menu of our website. For more information on what
qualifies for CE, please see the
I Need CE!” link on our website. |
Quick Question and AnswerQ. What does the Georgia Commission on
Dispute Resolution do ?
A. The Commission is charged with helping the Georgia Supreme
Court fulfill its Constitutional mandate to "provide for the speedy,
efficient, and inexpensive resolution of disputes and prosecutions" in
the judiciary. The Commission does that by promulgating the
rules, policies and procedures under which the state court-connected
ADR system, its registered neutrals, its court programs, and its
approved trainers operate. In your practice, you probably don't
hear about the Commission or come in contact with it because it
oversees system-wide functions and doesn't manage day-to-day
operations. That's left to the local court ADR programs.
The Commission comprises 16 volunteer members - judges, lawyers,
non-lawyer ADR professionals - appointed by the Supreme Court to serve
five-year terms. The latest information about the Commission is
always available at the
“About the Commission” link on our

Proposed Juvenile Court Mediation Rules Posted
The Commission on Dispute Resolution has focused
recently on encouraging the use of mediation in juvenile court cases.
An expert subcommittee of the Commission's Training and Credentials
Committee has been working for the past year on new proposed rules
that will:
- |
Create two
new registration categories - Delinquency Mediation and
Deprivation Mediation |
- |
Grandfather current juvenile court mediators into the new
categories |
- |
the topics that must be covered in approved delinquency and
deprivation mediation trainings |
- |
Model Rules to help juvenile court mediation programs operate |
Drafts of these proposed rules are
being distributed to key stakeholders in juvenile court mediation,
including judges, attorneys, trainers, mediators, CASAs, SAAGs,
Guardians ad Litem, and others. The drafts have also been posted
on the GODR website for comment by registered neutrals, trainers, and
others interested in juvenile court mediation.
Please feel free to review the drafts and send your comments to Lynn
Goldman, Esq., Deprivation Mediation Coordinator at Fulton County
Juvenile Court,
Lynn.Goldman@fultoncountyga.gov by July 1, 2011. We look
forward to hearing from you.
Case Watch for Mediators:
Real Estate
Distribution in Divorce
Before mediators can
help divorcing parties to divide their assets, they must clarify who
owns the property. This is particularly important when dealing
with real property - marital homes, vacation homes, rental property,
etc. But determining ownership of real estate is not as simple
as seeing whose name is or is not on the title, explains Mary Ellen
Cates, divorce attorney and registered mediator, in this month's Case
Watch for Mediators.
Theory to Practice:
Some Ways to Handle Violence in Mediation
Though some folks scoff at the
idea, it's a fact that violence - domestic and other types - can crop
up in most any mediation. After all, mediators are dealing with
people in crisis. And we know that some folks cope with crisis
through anger and violence. In this month's Theory to Practice
column, Susan Raines, Ph.D., director of the master's program in
conflict management at Kennesaw State University and herself a veteran
mediator and trainer, offers up some tips for handling domestic
violence in mediation, based on sound research and her own extensive
Marketing Tip:
Mobile Media 101
Those powerful little smartphones and tablet computer are changing the
way we work and play every day. But they can also dramatically
change the way you market your ADR business. Our marketing maven
and registered mediator Michele Gibson how to sell smart in the
post-computer age in this month's Marketing Tip column.
Practice Tip:
Balancing Power is the Key to Party Self-Determination
It is axiomatic that the best mediated agreements
are the ones that the parties have crafted together through careful
consideration of all critical information. It is also axiomatic
that most mediators struggle to achieve that ideal level of party
participation, informed consent and self-determination. In this
Practice Tip column, Rachel Elovitz, Esq., family law attorney and
registered mediator, shows you how knowledge of the law, awareness of
power issues, and expertise with the process can greatly increase the
likelihood that your next mediation will fulfill its potential for a
meaningful and productive meeting of minds
Brunswick Circuit ADR Program Launched
The Brunswick Judicial Circuit ADR Program has
launched a new mediation program. The program, which serves
Appling, Camden, Glynn, Jeff Davis, and Wayne counties, began
referring cases to mediation on June 1, 2011. For more
information contact:
Hon. James Tuten,
Program Coordinator
Historic Glynn County Courthouse
701 G Street, Room 135
Brunswick, GA 31520
jtuten@glynncounty-ga.gov |
Up-to-date contact information for
local court ADR programs is always available at the "Find Local Court
ADR Program" link on our
website .
GODR Budget Remake Discussed at Caribbean ADR
GODR Deputy
Director Nathelia Davenport delivered an invited speech on GODR's
recent budget crisis at an international dispute resolution conference
in April. The 5th Caribbean Conference on Dispute Resolution:
Encouraging a Culture of Justice and Peace Through Dispute Resolution:
Strengthen Your Role ! was held April 28-30 in Kingston, Jamaica,
and drew a large attendance including Supreme Court justices, judges,
ADR professionals, lawyers and law professors from countries
throughout the Caribbean and Africa. Donna A.M. Parchment Brown,
CD, JP, CIArb, Chief Executive Office of the
Dispute Resolution Foundation, was the conference organizer and
gracious host.
Ms. Davenport reported that
interest was high in her talk, "Restorative Circle/Responding to a
Funding Crisis: A Supreme Court Office Remakes Itself in Anticipation
of State Budget Elimination," because other countries are looking for
ways to sustain their ADR programs after the worldwide economic
downturn. Several judges also expressed interest in visiting Georgia
to learn more about how our state ADR system operates, she said. Ms.
Davenport said she also saw the international influence of Georgia's
ADR system when she met presentation attendee Dr. Walter Leavell, the
C.E.O. of the Clarendon Peace & Justice Centre which is an affiliate
of the Dispute Resolution Foundation. Dr. Leavell shared that he had
been trained in mediation by our current Commission Member Melissa
Heard and by the late Betty Manley, who also served on our Commission.
Exclusive Insurance Products for Registered Neutrals
Georgia-registered neutrals are entitled to participate in several
insurance and retirement programs that have been designed specifically
for them. If you need insurance, are planning for retirement, talk to
the experts at
BPC Financial. They manage our new exclusive insurance
and retirement program, and they can advise you on your insurance
needs and help you find good deals on major medical insurance,
healthcare savings accounts, dental and vision insurance, term life
insurance and more. Registered neutrals receive the benefits of
underwriting concessions, enhanced benefits, or reduced premiums and
fees compared to shopping for similar products on the open market.
Check out the
GODR Registered Neutrals Insurance and Retirement Programs website.
We’ve also arranged for special benefits on professional liability
insurance for registered mediators and arbitrators with
Complete Equity Markets. See our
website for more information or contact
Betsy Thomas, 800-324-6234, ext. 472, and tell her you’re a Georgia
registered neutral!
Save the Date: 2011 ADR Institute
The 18th Annual ADR Institute and 2011 Neutrals'
Conference will be held Friday, December 9, 2011, at the State Bar of
Georgia Conference Center, 104 Marietta St. NW, Atlanta. We set
an attendance record last year, and based on the speakers we are
lining up, we think this year's conference will be even more popular.
At least 6 hours of neutral continuing education and 6 hours of CLE
(including 1 Ethics Hour) will be available. More details and
conference registration will be available through
www.iclea.org in November.
Stay tuned !

Publicly Available Resources for Georgia ADR ProfessionalsWe encourage you to visit the
created by Georgia State University law professor Doug Yarn and GSU
law student Alex Salzillo to inform and encourage discussion.
Please add it to your reading list, send the link to your colleagues,
and visit often. The address:
Also, don't forget the
Georgia Mediators Network, a great Facebook resource for the
latest mediation news and articles from around the world. This
page have been visited tens of thousands of times in just the few
short months it's been around and it was the resource that discovered
the Tennessee case referenced at the top of this newsletter. Use
the information there to expand your own professional web pages and
your expertise. The Georgia Mediators Network is the brainchild of
registered mediator Michele Gibson, our marketing columnist and
newsletter producer. |
Upcoming CE and Training Offerings
Don’t wait until the 2012 renewal season to get your CEs. Check frequently at our
website for the latest CE and training
offerings. Remember, any training you take counts as CE as long as you
took it since your last renewal or your initial registration,
whichever comes later. Lawyers, any CLE you took during that same time
period counts as CE. Likewise, judges and CJE. Accountants and other
professionals with CE requirements, same thing.
Be Neutral
Back Issues Available Online
Be Neutral is sent monthly to all
registered neutrals, generally at the beginning of the month. If you
missed an issue, our back issues are posted at the bottom right of our
website, under
“Newsletter Archive.”
Please take a look. If you know people who
want Be Neutral, please direct them to our subscription box at the
bottom right of our website, where they just need to enter their
e-mail addresses. Please forward this newsletter to anyone who might
be interested in ADR in Georgia courts. Forward it just as you would
any other e-mail. If folks who are not registered neutrals want to
receive the newsletter free of charge, they can submit their e-mail
addresses in the subscription box at the bottom right of our
website. And sending
us feedback is easy – just reply to this e-mail as you would any other
e-mail. We want to hear from you !
Spread the Word
Please forward this newsletter to anyone who might be interested in ADR in Georgia courts. Forward it just as you would any other e-mail.
If folks who are not registered neutrals want to receive the
newsletter free of charge, they can use the subscription box at below this
text or submit their e-mail addresses in the
subscription box at the bottom right of the home page of our
website. And sending us feedback is easy – just reply to this
e-mail as you would any other e-mail. We want to hear from you !
