From the Director
Did you miss
your newsletter last week at the beginning of the month ? We
decided you deserved some time to enjoy your holiday weekend and held
this month's newsletter off for a couple of days.
The 2010 registration renewal season is approaching. I know, you’re
thinking, “Didn’t we just go through a renewal season?” Well, you’re
right, and we in our office are thinking the same thing. We had to
delay the start of the 2009 renewal season until January 1, 2010, so
our systems could accommodate late but critical changes to the ADR
Rules. The 2009 season ended in March 2010. Confusing for you, and
confusing for us. This year, we will return to our end-of-the-year
renewal deadline, and I hope we can stay on that schedule from now
on. Look for renewal season details in the October newsletter.
Please don’t send us renewal information yet!
Registration is now annual. All neutrals must renew their
registrations by the end of this calendar year and must have taken at
least 3 hours of continuing education in 2010 – not 2009, 2008, etc.
The only exception is for neutrals who registered for the first time
in October, November or December of 2010; they are due to renew at the
end of 2011. See our
Frequently Asked Questions for information on renewal fees, what
counts as neutral CE and how to earn CE.
In this
issue we’re introducing a new feature of our newsletter: Case Watch.
It’s a way we can tell you about important court decisions in Georgia
or nationally and why they may have an impact on your neutral
practice. We want this to be a regular column. Attorney and mediator
Mary Ellen Cates has generously agreed to cover domestic law cases for
us. Other “correspondents” will contribute analyses of cases on
non-domestic mediation, as well as arbitration, as the need arises.
We hope you find the column useful. We'll be keeping these
articles and copies of all our newsletters on file for you.
Morokuma, Director GODR

Case Watch: For Mediators
When is a premarital asset not a premarital asset? Does an equitable
division of assets have to be an equal division of assets? How much
more can divorcing parties spend in legal fees if they don’t settle in
mediation? Veteran divorce attorney and registered mediator Mary Ellen
Cates takes us through a 2009 Georgia Supreme Court decision that
sheds light on these important questions and highlights the mediation
benefits of party self-determination, outcome predictability, and
lower resolution cost. Case Watch analyses will be a regular feature
of this newsletter that we hope will enhance your practice as a

How do I ?
a new category to my existing registration? It’s easy. Within 18
months of your training you simply need to send us:
1) a short note asking us to add the category to your registration
2) a copy of the training certificate and any other documentation
required for that category
You can find the registration requirements for each category in our
FAQs, or in
Appendix B of the Supreme Court ADR Rules. You do not need
to fill out a registration form merely to add another category (who
wants to fill out that form twice?). There is no additional fee to
add a registration category, except if you are adding Domestic
Relations Mediation, in which case you will need to include a $25 fee
along with your documentation. And remember, always send us important
documents via a service that offers tracking and delivery
Did you know that -
GODR can help you if you are subpoenaed or ordered
to testify about a court-connected mediation, arbitration or case
evaluation you conducted. The rules state, “Neither the neutral nor
any observer present with permission of the parties in a court-annexed
or court-referred ADR process may be subpoenaed or otherwise required
to testify concerning a mediation or case evaluation or early neutral
evaluation conference or, unless otherwise provided by court ADR
rules, a non-binding arbitration, in any subsequent administrative or
judicial proceeding.” There’s a good reason for enforcing this rule:
privacy and confidentiality are what set mediation apart from the very
public disclosures that come with litigation. People won’t talk if
they believe what they say will be used against them later, in public.
So, if you
receive a subpoena as a neutral, the most important thing to do is
call our office immediately. We can e-mail you a “quash kit” – a set
of template documents that you or your attorney can fill out to move
the court to quash the subpoena. We may also be able to help find an
attorney in your area who is knowledgeable about ADR and is willing
fill out the forms and represent you at a hearing to quash the
subpoena. Your professional liability insurance may cover your
attorney’s fees.
So what
does “confidential” mean? According to the rules, confidential
information is “not subject to disclosure or discovery, may not be
disclosed by the neutral or program staff, and may not be used as
evidence in any subsequent administrative or judicial proceeding.
What is
confidential in an ADR process?
• |
statement (verbal or non-verbal) made during a court-connected
mediation, arbitration or case evaluation;
• |
statement (verbal or non-verbal) made as part of intake by court
program staff in preparation for a court-connected mediation,
arbitration or case evaluation;
• |
document or other evidence generated in connection with a
court-connected mediation, arbitration or case evaluation (except
a mediated agreement);
• |
neutral’s notes or records;
• |
A court
ADR program’s notes and records, to the extent that such notes or
records pertain to cases and parties ordered or referred by a
court to the program. |
What is
not confidential in an ADR process?
• |
Information about whether a participant appeared at the scheduled
• |
Information that constitutes threats of imminent violence to self
or others;
• |
Information that a child is abused or that the safety of any party
or third person is in danger;
• |
mediator’s lay impressions of whether a mediation participant had
the capacity to understand and engage in the mediation
productively. |
As more
litigants take advantage of ADR services offered by the courts, the
more frequently neutrals are being called to reveal confidential
information by well-meaning attorneys and judges. Your promise of
confidentiality to your parties increases their trust in you and is
foundational to a successful and productive process. That is why you
should do your zealous best to keep that promise. Call us for help.
Learn More About Exclusive Insurance Products for Neutrals
Need insurance? Planning for retirement? Confused by health-care
reform? Talk to the experts at
BPC Financial. They manage our new exclusive insurance and
retirement program for registered neutrals. They can advise you on
your insurance needs and help you find good deals on major medical
insurance, healthcare savings accounts, dental and vision insurance,
and more, check out the
GODR Registered Neutrals Insurance and Retirement Programs website.
Need a good
deal on professional liability insurance for mediators and
arbitrators? See our
website for more information or contact
Betsy Thomas at
Complete Equity Markets, 800-324-6234, ext. 472, and tell her
you’re a Georgia registered neutral !
Commission Meeting
The next meeting of the Commission on Dispute
Resolution is scheduled for Thursday, September 9, at 2 pm, in Meeting
Room 1 of the
State Bar of Georgia Conference Center, 104 Marietta St. NW,
Atlanta, GA 30303. Meetings are open to the public. Upcoming
Commission meetings, agendas and minutes are always posted on our
Upcoming CE and Training Offerings
The end of the year will be here before you know it. Have you
completed your required CEs for the year ? Lots of
new CE and training opportunities are upcoming. Brush up on your
skills or acquire new tools to assist you in your practice. Check
frequently at our
website for the latest CE and training offerings.
Spread the Word
Please forward this newsletter to anyone who might be interested in
ADR in Georgia courts. Forward it just as you would any other e-mail.
If folks who are not registered neutrals want to receive the
newsletter free of charge, they can use the subscription link at the
bottom of this newsletter or submit their e-mail addresses in the
subscription box at the bottom right of the home page of our
website. And sending us feedback is easy – just reply to this
e-mail as you would any other e-mail. We want to hear from you !
