Epidemiology Related Books |
When the first edition of EPISOURCE: A Guide to Resources
in Epidemiology was published in 1991, readers of the
Epidemiology Monitor suggested a list of novels and
non-fiction titles to include in which epidemiology was
featured or otherwise played a prominent role. We reprise
that list here, along with the comments readers provided on
them as an addition to this on-line resource to subscribers.
In the years since the list was first compiled, many new books
in which epidemiology was featured or plays a prominent role
have been written. We invite you to suggest those you feel
are appropriate for inclusion on list. Please use the
submission form provided below.
Epidemiology Related Books |
Book of the Month |
Epidemiology and The People's Health
Nancy Krieger
This month in lieu of our regular
book review or author interview, we are pleased to publish an exclusive interview
with the creators of The People's Epidemiology Library (PEL).
Exclusive Interview
With Creators of The People's Epidemiology Library
The People’s Epidemiology Library (PEL), a website devoted to
using the history of epidemiology to tell the story of
epidemiology for the public, is scheduled to launch officially in
August 2011 at the International Epidemiological Association World
Congress in Edinburgh Scotland. Its creators, Alfredo Morabia
from City University of New York and Columbia University, and
Jan Vanderbroucke from the Leiden
University Medical Center and the Royal Academy of Arts and
Sciences in the Netherlands, recently conducted an essay
contest in the epidemiology community to identify an
epidemiologist/writer who could prepare six essays explaining in
simple straightforward language key concepts of epidemiology. The
contest winner was McMaster University’s Stephen Walter
(see related story in this issue) who will travel to Edinburgh in
August to help unveil these essays and participate in the official
launch of the PEL at a special symposium to be held in conjunction
with the Congress.
Because the vision for the PEL is expected to have a wide appeal
across the epidemiology community, we conducted an exclusive
interview with Vandenbroucke and Morabia in advance of the
upcoming Congress to get a preview of their vision for the PEL and
their future plans following its launch in August.
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