David Sencer,
86, MD, former Director of the CDC and the New York City
Health Department, on May 2, 201. He was lauded as a “giant of
public health” by current CDC Director Thomas Frieden who
noted Sencer’s contributions to the eradication of smallpox
and the creation of the Emory School of Public Health. |
Harvey Fineberg, MD, PhD, President of the Institute of
Medicine, for the $15,000 Frank Calderone Prize in Public
Health given by Columbia University's school of Public Health
for a "transformational contribution in the field of public
health". The prize will be presented in October 2011. |
Jill Norris, PhD, MPH, professor of epidemiology, s
new chair f the Department of Epidemiology at the Colorado
School of Public Health. Dr. Norris was section head of
the Epidemiology and Community Health Section in the former
Department of Preventive Medicine and Biometrics at Colorado. |
Margaret Becklake, McGill University epidemiologist,
for the Ordre du Quebec, the province's most prestigious
honor, on June 15 in Quebec City. Becklake received the
highest honor Grand Officer in the Ordre. |
Pamela Rist, MSc, Harvard School of Public Health, for
the Abraham Lilienfeld Student Prize Paper in General
Epidemiology at the Congress of Epidemiology in Montreal for
her work on "Migraine and Functional Outcome From Ischemic
Cerebral Events in Women" published in Circulation in
2010. |
Shirley Wang, MS, PhD, Brown University, for the Reuel
Stallones Student Prize Paper in Epidemiology Mothods at teh
Congress of Epidemiology in Montreal for her work,
"Future-cases as present controls to adjust for exposure-trend
bias in case-only studies". |
Maria Argos, Columbia University, for the Carol Buck
Student Prize Paper in International Health at the Congress of
Epidemiology in Montreal for her work "Arsenic exposure from
drinking water, and all cause and chronic disease mortalities
in Bangladesh (HEALS): a prospective study" published in
Lancet in 2010. |
NCI's Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics Training
Program, for the Alexander Langmuir award at the Congress of
Epidemiology in Montreal for Training Program Excellence and
Innovation. |
Margaret Spitz, MD, MPH, MD Anderson Cancer Center and
Baylor College of Medicine at the Congress of Epidemiology in
Montreal for the Abraham Lilienfeld Award fro Overall
Excellence in Epidemiology including teaching, research, and
service. |
Stephen Walter, PhD, McMaster University, for the
Bernard Goldberg award for Excellence in Methods Development
and Application at the Congress of Epidemiology in Montreal. |
John Pierce, PhD, University of California Sand Diego
Moores Cancer Center, at the Congress of Epidemiology in
Montreal for the Harold Dorn Award for Translation of
Epidemiologic Evidence Into Public Health Policy and Practice
with measurable impact. |
Noel Weiss, MD, DrPH, University of Washington, at the
Congress of Epidemiology in Montreal for the Alfred S. Evans
Award for Excellence in Teaching and Mentoring in
Epidemiology. |
Marc Lipsitch, Harvard School of Public Health, at the
Congress of Epidemiology in Montreal for the Best Manuscript
published in Epidemiology in 2010, aka the Kenneth
Rothman Prize. His paper is entitled "Negative controls:
A tool for detecting confounding and bias in observational
studies. Co-authors were Eric Tchetgen and Ted Cohen. |
Tuula Oksanen, Finnish Institute of Occupational
Health, at the Congress of Epidemiology in Montreal for the
Best Manuscript published in Annals of Epidemiology in 2010.
The paper is entitled "Self-Report as an Indicator of Incident
Disease" with co-authors Mika Kivimaki, Jaana Pentti, Marianna
Virtanen, Timo Klaukka, and Jussi Vahtera. |
Jack Siemiatycki, PhD, University of Montreal, at the
Congress of Epidemiology in Montreal for the Canadian Society
of Epidemiology and Biostatistics Geoffrey Howe Distinguished
Contributions award. |
Colin Soskolne, PhD, University of Alberta, at the
Congress of Epidemiology in Montreal for the Canadian Society
of Epidemiology and Biostatistics Distinguished Service Award. |