Kedleston Conflict
 Management Services



Areas of Practice

As mediators there are few regulations governing the types of case we can handle, other than the limitations imposed by law in specific jurisdictions. Kedleston Conflict Management LLC (KCM) does not restrict its practice of mediation but does have recognized areas of specialty:

Special Education Margaret Unger has been mediating for many years in the area of Special Education. Parents, educators and their advocates and attorneys benefit from her experience and understanding of the emotions and complexity of the issues.

Juvenile Justice As a Magistrate/Justice of the Peace in the United Kingdom and with significant experience as a Mediator with the Juvenile Court in the United States, Ms Unger brings a unique perspective to this area of mediation. Understanding the constraints of the justice system and the flexibility of mediation she is well equipped to help resolve difficult and sensitive situations involving juveniles and their families.

Bio-Medical Ethics The rapid changes in the areas of science and medicine have brought many complex issues to the forefront. Margaret Unger's background and training certification in the emerging areas of Bioethical, Health and Eldercare Mediation distinguishes her from most mediators in this country. Ms Unger understands the importance and significance of cultural differences in End-of-Life decision making and has extensive and practical knowledge of the rituals surrounding Jewish burial.

"I have taught classes onsite and online through the Institute for Advanced Dispute Resolution since 2007.   Ms. Unger was a student of mine from March through June 2010.  She was enrolled in our Health & Elder Care self-paced study program and was one of the finest students I have ever worked with.  Not only does Ms. Unger have a passion for the mediation process but she also possesses what appears to be a natural instinct for assessing human interaction."
Holly Panetta, JD; IADR Instructor 

Elder Issues Medical science has dramatically extended the lifespan of the average individual. With that extension has come a myriad of decisions facing us on a daily basis – both as individuals, family members and medical professionals. From moving to assisted living and estate division, to critical end- of -life decisions related to a loved one, issues arise which are both deeply emotional and life changing for everyone involved. Kedleston Conflict Management helps individuals and their families to work collaboratively through the practical and intensely emotional issues in order that they are able to make decisions that all feel able to support.



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