Kedleston Conflict
 Management Services



Our Clients

Mediators operate under a code of ethics that does not permit disclosure of cases mediated, identity of participants, and content of discussion or other detail of the mediation. Whilst it is not permitted to disclose the percentage of Kedleston Conflict Management LLC (KCM) cases that reach agreement, details of Margaret Unger's experience and areas of specialized practice, appear below:

Institutions Hospitals are among the institutions that request the mediation services of KCM. Among disputes that arise are the following: those between Medical/Nursing/Allied Health Staff and the patient and/or family members or other caregivers; issues between staff members and issues between management and employee/s.

Schools KCM has extensive and wide ranging experience in the area of Special Education Mediation. Federal Law mandates that students with special educational needs have equal access to the education provided to their non disabled peers. Parents, Guardians, School Districts and their attorneys and advocates, continue to benefit from Margaret Unger's significant experience and knowledge and understanding of the complex issues and emotions surrounding this specialized field.

Private Companies & Individuals Mediation is effective and appropriate in the majority of disputes, regardless of complexity. Kedleston Conflict Management LLC brings significant experience to clients and their issues.

We have  broad experience in resolving family issues, from mediating with juveniles, and issues of restorative justice, to facilitating  complex and emotional family decisions surrounding elder care and end-of-life issues.

Kedleston Conflict Management LLC has had the opportunity to work with some of the most respected mediators and institutions in America today and below are comments on the work of its Principal:



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